Privacy policy

In accordance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services Information Society and Electronic Commerce (Ley de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y de Comercio Electrónico -LSSI), we inform:

1. Purpose.

Art. 10 LSSI: is an internet domain owned by European Aluminium Systems, S.L., with registered office in Avenida de Europa 103 12003 Castellón (province of ) and TAX ID Number B98672272. The company has registered in the Companies Registry of Valencia, Presentación 1/791/768, Folio 113 FP 07/10/2014, Prot. 2014/1069/N/26/09/2014 N.Entrada 1/2014/30.798,0.

For the purposes of this document, the telephone contact number is 964 260 849 and the contact email is

This legal notice regulates the use of the domain.

The use of this website means you agree with the conditions included in this Notice. In the case of certain services, content and / or tools offered via this website requiring the application of special conditions, these shall make available to user.

Moreover, European Aluminium Systems, S.L. warns that both the content and services of this website and the own conditions of use may be modified without notice.

2. Conditions of use.

The User agrees to provide truthful, accurate and complete information about its identity.

In addition, the user agrees to keep personalDATAupdate that could be provided to the domain holder; therefore, the DATA subject is solely responsible for the falsehoods or inaccuracies thereof.

In the event of minors they must have the permission of their parents, responsible for the custody of a minor or legal representatives to access to the provided services. European Aluminium Systems, S.L. is not responsible in the event of inaccurate or false DATA related with this issue.

The website may only be used for lawful purposes; therefore the user agrees to make a lawful and fair use under these Terms of Use, and not using the services of the website for conducts against to the Spanish legislation, morality and public order. The user assumes all responsibilities for damages against the holder of this website or third parties that may arise from illegal practices or impermissible activities as the following:

  • To perform without prior approval any manipulation or alteration of this page, the holder of the Website does not assume any liability arising from such manipulation or alteration by third parties.
  • To take any action that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair the website and its services as well as to hinder the normal use and utilization by Users.
  • To introduce and / or use computer software, data, corrupted files, viruses, malicious code, computer or telecommunications equipment or any other, regardless of their nature which can damage this website.
  • To violate the rights of privacy, self-image, confidentiality of communications, intellectual property and industrial property of third parties.
  • To hide and disguise the origin of emails.
  • To use false identities, to supplant the identity of others in the use of this Website or the use of any of its services.
  • To play, distribute, modify or copy the content of this page, unless you have the permission of the holder of this website or being legally entitled for it.
  • To transmit usernames and passwords to unauthorized third parties.

European Aluminium Systems, S.L. is not liable for links to other websites and their existence does not imply that European Aluminium Systems, S.L. approves or accepts their contents and services. These other websites are not controlled by European Aluminium Systems, S.L. neither covered by this Privacy Policy. If you access to other websites using the links provided, the operators of these websites may gather your personal information. Make sure you are satisfied with the privacy policies of these third-party websites before providing any personal information.

In general, domain holder excludes its liability for any damage that may result from the use of the website, or resulting from the infringement of the rights of intellectual and industrial property by users and / or lack of truthfulness, accuracy, and timeliness of the content. Neither may be required responsibilities to the domains holder due to interruption of services, undesired operations or inability to access the service.

The domain holder is not liable for damages caused by the presence of viruses or other harmful software that could produce alterations in the computer system of the user.

The website, its programs, designs, logos, text and / or graphics are property of the provider of the website or has a proper license or express authorization of the authors.

Any total or partial reproduction, use, exploitation, distribution and marketing, always requires the prior authorization of the domain holder.

The user agrees not to perform any contrary acts to the rights of intellectual and industrial property of the author.

The service provider authorizes third parties to redirect directly to the specific contents of this website but should be redirected to the main website of the provider.

3. Use of cookies

European Aluminium Systems, S.L. as the holder of this website declares that uses automatic procedures to collect information to save the registry of the Users that visit his website. Click here to access our “cookie’s” se policy’.

4. Data protection policy.

You can consult our personal DATA protection policy to the following section “Data Protection Policy of”.

5. Applicable Law.

These Terms shall be governed at all times by the provisions of the Spanish legislation.

Data Protection Policy of

1. Who is the DATA Controller of your data?

The DATA Controller of the DATA processing referring to the different processes regarding the management of users, clients and potential clients, collaborators and suppliers is European Aluminium Systems, S.L. with registered office in Avenida de Europa 103 12003 Castellón and VAT Number B98672272 .

For the purposes of our DATA protection policy, the contact telephone number is 964 260 849 and the contact email is

2. What kind of DATA do we have about you and how have we obtained them?

The categories of personal DATA that is European Aluminium Systems, S.L., deals with about its users are:

  • Identification personal data.
  • Postal or electronic email, telephone contact number.
  • Commercial information.
  • Economic and transaction DATA.

All the aforementioned DATA we have obtained or directly from you through the presentation of a commercial offer, contractual proposal, etc. or through your company to provide us with identification DATA and other information necessary to carry out the purpose of the contractual relationship between the parties. It will be an obligation of yours or your company to provide us with the updated DATA in case of modification.

Regarding DATA on job candidates, we have obtained your personal DATA by submitting a CV on your behalf or obtaining your application through the services of an employment portal. In the latter case, you have authorized said transfer of your personal DATA to our company when inserting your curricular DATA in the employment portal.

3. How long will we keep your data?

The personal DATA related to individuals linked to potential customers, customers and suppliers that European Aluminium Systems, S.L. collects through the different contact and / or information collection forms will be kept as long as the deletion is not requested by the interested party.

The personal DATA provided by our customers and suppliers will be kept while the commercial relationship between the parties is maintained, respecting in all cases the minimum legal terms of conservation according to the matter.

In any case, European Aluminium Systems, S.L. will keep your personal DATA for a period of time that is reasonably necessary, taking into account our needs to respond to issues that arise or solve problems, make improvements, activate new services and meet the requirements required by applicable law. This means that we can keep your personal DATA for a reasonable period of time even after you have stopped using our products or have stopped using this website. After this period, your personal DATA will be deleted from all systems of European Aluminium Systems, S.L..

4. What is the legal basis for processing your data?

In European Aluminium Systems, S.L. we process the personal DATA provided by DATA subjects in order to manage different activities derived from specific procedures performed in sales, after sales service, supplier management, candidate management, quality of services, etc. In this way, we will use your DATA to carry out some of the following actions based on the respective legal basis:

  • Purpose of the processing activity
    Accounting Management: billing management with customers and / or suppliers.
    Legal basis
    Maintenance, development and control of the contractual relationship between the parties.
  • Purpose of the processing activity
    Tax management: application of withholdings, bonuses, etc.
    Legal basis
    Maintenance, development and control of the contractual relationship between the parties; Compliance with legal obligations.
  • Purpose of the processing activity
    Administrative management: logistics management, warehouse, customer deliveries, receipt of goods, etc.
    Legal basis
    Maintenance, development and control of the contractual relationship between the parties.
  • Purpose of the processing activity
    Marketing: Commercial actions on our products or services aimed at our customers or those who have requested us relative information in the past including conducting satisfaction surveys of our customers, sending commercial information and news about our services and products, etc.
    Legal basis
    Free and unequivocal consent of the interested party (potential clients), we make it clear that the withdrawal of this consent can in no case condition the execution of the contract between the parties; Legitimate interest of the company on the promotion and commercialization of products or services similar to those obtained or requested by people interested in the past.

Regarding legal basis mentioned above, you are obliged to provide personal data, in the event that you do not provide your personal data, your contract can not be executed or comply with legal obligations or derived from official authority.

5. To which recipients will your DATA be communicated?

European Aluminium Systems, S.L. will never share your personal DATA with any third parties that intends to use them in their direct marketing actions, except in the case that you have expressly authorized us to do so.

We inform you that we can provide your personal DATA to Public Administration bodies and competent authorities in those cases that receives a legal requirement by said Authorities or in cases that acting in good faith, we consider that such action is reasonably necessary to comply with a court process; to answer any claim or legal claim; or to protect the rights of European Aluminium Systems, S.L. or its customers and the general public.

European Aluminium Systems, S.L. can provide your personal DATA to third parties (for example, Internet service providers that help us manage our website or carry out the contracted services, support companies and IT maintenance, logistics companies, agencies and tax and accounting advice, etc.). In any case, these third parties must maintain, at all times, the same levels of security as in relation to your personal DATA and, when necessary, are bound by legal commitments in order to keep your personal DATA private and secure, and in order to use only the information following specific instructions from European Aluminium Systems, S.L.

6 . What are your rights as affected or interested person?

Anyone has the right to obtain confirmation on whether European Aluminium Systems, S.L. is processing personal DATA concerning him/her, or not.

In particular,DATA subjects can request the right of access to their personal data, as well as receive them in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format (Right to DATA portability).

Likewise, DATA subjects may request the right to rectify inaccurate DATA or, if appropriate, request its deletion when, among other reasons, the DATA is no longer necessary for the purposes that were collected.

In addition, in certain circumstances, the DATA subjects may request the limitation of the processing of their data, or in certain circumstances and for reasons related to their particular situation, DATA subjects may exercise their right to object their personal data. European Aluminium Systems, S.L.. will stop processing the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defense of possible claims or in those exceptions established in the applicable regulations.

Likewise, we inform you that you have the right to erasure the given consents at any time, without affecting the legality of the processing based on the prior consent to its with drawal.

Likewise, the User is informed that at any time he / she can exercise the aforementioned rights by writing to us using the contact DATA that appear in Section 1, ‘Data Controller’ of the present Personal DATA Protection Policy European Aluminium Systems, S.L. attaching a copy of a personal identification document. Likewise, you can send us an email to the following address You will also have the right to bring and action before the Spanish DATA Protection Agency, especially when you have not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of your rights.

Agencia Española de Protección de Datos. Calle Jorge Juan, 6 – 28001 – Madrid. Telephone 901100099 / 912663517

7. Protection of personal DATA in use of the web page’s users.

In accordance with the current Regulation (EU) 2016/679, European Aluminium Systems, S.L. informs that the personal DATA of the users of the website will be treated for the processing activity indicated in each form of DATA collection from our website on behalf of European Aluminium Systems, S.L. Said processing of your DATA will be processed because of your consent. By clicking on the “SEND” button, the User consents to the processing of his/her personal DATA by European Aluminium Systems, S.L.

Also, we inform you that except legal obligation or express consent on your part European Aluminium Systems, S.L. will not comunicate your DATA to third parties.

Likewise, the DATA Subject is informed that at any time he or she may exercise the rights of access, rectification or erasure of DATA as well as having other rights recognized in this document and regulated in Regulation (EU) 2016/679, notifying them to European Aluminium Systems, S.L., Avenida de Europa 103 12003 Castellón, e-mail: Furthermore, in accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, European Aluminium Systems, S.L. undertakes not to send advertising through email without having previously obtained the explicit consent of the recipient. The DATA Subject may oppose the sending of advertising by checking the corresponding box.

8. Other information of interest about our privacy policy.

8.1 Security measures.

European Aluminium Systems, S.L. adopts the security levels required by the European and Spanish regulations in force in DATA protection taking into account the state of the art, the costs of implementation and the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing, as well as the risks of varying likelihood and severity for rights and freedoms of natural persons posed by the processing.

8.2 Data processing of minors.

Under the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the LOPDGDD 3/2018, minors over 14 years of age can give their consent to the contracting of services of the information society, such as registration in a forum, the completion of a contact form, etc. However, it will be the responsibility of to verify the accuracy of the indicated age by the minor.

For the processing of DATA minors below the age of 14, such processing shall be lawful only if and to the extent that consent is given or authorized by the holder of parental responsibilities over the child.

8.3 Modifications of our DATA Protection and Privacy Policy.

Please, note that may update or change this DATA Protection Policy for Clients, Suppliers and Users. Please check this section regularly to see what changes may have existed and how they may affect you.

8.4 Why is it necessary to accept this DATA Protection and Privacy Policy?

This section of the DATA Protection Policy for Clients, Suppliers and Users of the European Aluminium Systems, S.L. website provides you in an easy accessible way all the necessary information so that you can know the type of personal DATA that European Aluminium Systems, S.L. maintain on Clients, Suppliers and Users, the purposes pursued, the rights that DATA protection regulations recognize you as a DATA subject and how to exercise those rights. Therefore, with the deliberate sending of your personal DATA through our means of contact and / or with the beginning of the commercial relationship with our company, we consider that you acknowledge and accept the processing of your personal DATA as described in this policy. This personal information will only be used for the purposes for which you have provided it or certain national or regional regulations enable us to do so.

In any case, we must warn you that a refusal on your part to provide certain requested information could hinder the development of the contractual relationship between the parties with possible serious consequences at the time of providing the various benefits contemplated in the commercial contract with the contracting party.

If you have any questions regarding this section of Personal DATA Protection Policy for Clients, Suppliers and Users of European Aluminium Systems, S.L. please contact the company using the address provided in the first section DATA Controller’ and We will be happy to assist you and answer any additional questions you may want to

9. Applicable legislation.

These conditions shall be governed at all times by the provisions of Spanish and European legislation on the protection of personal DATA and privacy.

Cookies Policy.

Domain uses automatic collection procedures (cookies) in order to gather personal information such as the browser type or operating system, reference page, path, domain ISP (Internet Service Provider), etc. all in order to improve the services provided. Cookies help us to tailor this website to your personal needs.

A “Cookie” is a small file that is stored on the user’s computer and allows us to recognize it. The set of “cookies” help us to improve the quality of our website, allowing us to personalize each user browsing through our website. Cookies are now essential to the functioning of Internet, providing many advantages in delivering interactive services, navigation and usability of our website.

Please note that cookies cannot damage your computer and if they are activated then they help us to identify and resolve errors and improve the navigability of our website.

Types of cookies:

For more information about typology and use of cookies we inform you:
Taking into account the duration of the cookie (the time that the cookie is active in our hardware) we can differentiate the following cookies:

Session Cookies: These are temporary cookies that remain in the cookie file of your browser until you leave the site; these cookies are not recorded on the hard drive of the user. The information collected by these cookies is used to analyze traffic patterns on the website. Ultimately, this allows us to provide a better experience to improve the content and improve usability.

Permanent cookies: These are stored on the hard drive and our website reads them every time you make a return visit. A permanent cookie has a specific expiration date. The cookie will stop working after that date. We use them generally to facilitate the purchase and registration services.

Taking into account the use of cookies we can distinguish between:

Required Cookies: are cookies strictly necessary such as those that serve for proper navigation or to allow payment for goods or services requested by the user, or cookies that serve to ensure that the content of the web page loads effectively services.

Within the category of required cookies you can also find cookies for the following purposes:

  • To allow communication between the user equipment and the network.
  • To provide a service explicitly requested by the user.

In both cases we inform you that the information and the user’s consent to the installation of the referred cookies are mandatory. Specifically, according to the Working Group of Experts from the EU, Article 29 of its opinion 4/20123, it has interpreted the exception among those cookies would aim to:

  • “User access” cookies
  • Cookies for authentication or user identification (session only)
  • User security cookies
  • Cookies to login media player session cookies for load balancing
  • Cookies to customize the user interface
  • Complement -cookies (plug-in) to share social content.

For other Required Cookies which are not included in the above cases, the prior information and the user consent are required.

Functional Cookies: These are cookies that help the user to have a better experience of navigating the site. An example of using this type of cookies are those used to store the browsing DATA of a particular language.

Analytical Cookies: are cookies that allow us to analyze the use of the Site, so that we can measure and improve performance.

Advertising and Third Party cookies: Those used by social networks, or external plug-in content as well as Google maps cookies, advertising companies to publish relevant ads to their interests.

European Aluminium Systems, S.L. keeps all the information collected through cookies in a non-customized format (IP address). This type of information obtained through cookies will not be disclosed outside of European Aluminium Systems, S.L., neither for unsolicited communications.

Appropriate privacy and cookie management:

If the user wanted to, the registration of cookies may be subject to its acceptance during the installation or update of browser used. The user may at any time revoke its acceptance by the configuration options of contents and privacy available in each browser. However, if the user does not permit the installation of cookies on the browser it may be unable to access to some sections of our website.

For more information about the appropriate configuration of cookies and activation options, restriction and or disable them, you should check the help section of your browser to learn more:

  • More information about how to block use of cookies in en Google Chrome
  • More information about how to block use of cookies in en Firefox
  • More information about how to block use of cookies in en Internet Explorer
  • More information about how to block use of cookies in en Safari

Most browsers allow you to turn a private mode in which cookies are always deleted after your visit.

Depending on the particular browser this private mode can have different names. Below you find a list of the most common browsers and different names for this “private mode”:

  • Internet Explorer 8 and later versions; InPrivate.
  • Safari 2 and later versions; Navegación Privada.
  • Opera 10.5 and later versions; Navegación Privada.
  • FireFox 3.5 and later versions; Navegación Privada.
  • Google Chrome 10 and later versions; Incógnito.

List and description of cookies:

The table below shows the cookies described above and used in the website European Aluminium Systems, S.L.:

  • _ga
    Expiration 2 years.
    Analytics Cookies (Google Analytics): Uses an anonymous identifier to distinguish anonymous users and perform analysis on user interactions in the application in order to optimize the services offered.
  • _gat
    Expiration 10 minutes since creation or modification.
    Analytics Cookies (Analytics): Used to differentiate between the different tracking objects created in the session. The cookie is created by loading the javascript library and there is no previous version of the _gat cookie. The cookie is updated every time you submit theDATAto Google Analytics.
  • _gid
    Expiration 1 day.
    Registers a unique identification that is used to generate statistical data about how the visitor uses the website.
  • _fbp
    Expiration 3 months.
    Used by Facebook to provide a series of advertising products such as real-time bids from third-party advertisers.
  • pll_languag
    Expiration 12 months.
    This cookie is typical of the tools with which the web has been developed, it saves the language chosen in the navigation.

To learn more about Google Analytics cookies you can visit the following page: You can deactivate Google Analytics cookies through the following link: On this website you will find information on how behavioral advertising works, information about cookies and the steps you can take to protect your privacy on the Internet: For more information about cookies and your rights as user you can read the Guidelines on the use of cookies prepared by the Spanish DATA Protection Agency with the collaboration of ADIGITAL, Anunciantes, AUTOCONTROL and IAB Spain associations: AEPD

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